
The Life Of Van Gogh : A Perfect Life

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I think it is hard for anyone to say that they had a perfect life growing up, there are flaws in every family. Van Gogh had to face adulthood early as some people must. “At age 15, van Gogh’s family was struggling financially, and he was forced to leave school and go to work.” ( Editors n.p.). After leaving home he got a job at his Uncles art dealership, which was a firm of art dealers in The Hague. After gaining some experience on the job Vincent was fluent in French, German and English, as well as his native language Dutch. Van Gogh fell in love with the English culture when he was transferred to the Groupil Gallery in London. He visited art galleries in his spare time and became very fond of Charles Dickens and George Eliot’s writings. Van Gogh suffered his first breakdown when Eugenie Loyer his landlady’s daughter rejected his marriage proposal. He changed the way he lived his life by throwing away all his books except for the bible and devoted his life to god. “He became angry with people at work, telling customers not to buy the “worthless art,” and was eventually fired. After being fired van Gogh taught in a Methodist boy’s school and preached to the congregation.” ( Editors n.p.). Growing up in a Christian family van Gogh never considered devoting his life to the church. One year later he was denied entry into the School of Theology in Amsterdam after refusing to take the Latin exams. Following his denied entry into Amsterdam he volunteered

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