
The Limitations Of Christian Belonging To Theatre

Decent Essays

I have loved theatre for as long as I can remember. The thrill of knowing anything can happen and the sense of belonging has always fascinated me. The summer before I came to college, I took an internship with a theatre company run by Christians, and it completely changed my approach to theatre. I hope to keep Jesus first not only in theatre, but in every area of life. I have so much more to learn, but I’m excited for what the future holds. Although there are some limitations and challenges as a Christian, theatre is a beautiful and fulfilling art form that Christians can study and practice.

Theatre is appropriate for Christians because we are called to be image-bearers of God, and it is one way we can carry out that calling. When God created …show more content…

Objectionable elements must be taken into consideration. Clearly, there are things that people who believe in Jesus should not do, say, or glorify. In Ronald Horton’s book about Christian educators, he addresses the subject of objectionable elements; he discusses multiple views and thinks we should recognize “that the image of God in redeemed man--Christ-likeness--includes moral understanding and that moral understanding requires an awareness of both good and evil (Horton).” I believe it has to do with how the evil is represented. A secular play that has violence or sexual themes, for instance, may show what the world would be like without God. I think it is important for every theatre artist to have his or her own standards and stick to them faithfully. God leads people differently and some have the liberty to do things that others feel they cannot. Keeping Jesus as a priority in life and following where he leads is the safest and happiest place to be. The Bible says, “For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps.” Following Christ is not always easy, but it is always worth it in the …show more content…

Making sure to give glory to God in theatre is a challenge. It may be easy to praise the Lord out loud or online, but it is harder to keep a humble heart. The Bible tells us that God will give grace if you’re humble; truly thanking God for each success and opportunity will bring happiness and peace. Another challenge Christians may face is disapproval from other Christians. Many churches focus “not on creating excellent art, but on didactic moral teaching and evangelization” (Matson). Although there is definitely a place for theatre in the church, I don’t think Christians should have to restrict themselves to purely “Christian” theatre. If an artist does decide to produce theatre with biblical themes, they should hold themselves to a high standard of excellence. Not only is it good testimony for Christians to have excellent art, it also pleases God. There are definitely challenges and limitations a Christian will encounter, but if they work hard and have healthy relationships with Jesus and others, they can be a part of something very special – theatre

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