
The Link Between Menta Positivity And Optimism

Decent Essays

Throughout our lives, everybody faces difficulties and hardships. Everyone faces these difficulties in different ways. Being optimistic and having a positive outlook on life can help people cope with problems. Optimistic people have higher chances of successfully avoiding diseases, and when they do suffer from physical illness, they have a higher chance of fighting off viruses and staying healthy. Optimistic people also do a better job thinking clearly, which can help avoid depression and help them find solutions to problems. Positivity and optimism can help people endure and persevere through hardships and difficult times. The ability to stay positive even in the worst situations is extremely important to people’s physical health. Many studies have been performed that show the link between …show more content…

One famous Holocaust victim, Anne Frank, who kept a diary while in hiding from the Nazis writes about the good things she still has left, rather than focusing on the many terrible things happening to her. She says, “In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart. I simply can’t build up my hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion, misery, and death” (Anne Frank). She managed to stay positive, and this is likely one of the factors that contributed to her survival for a long time. Had Anne Frank not have focused on the positive things in her life, she may have begun to become depressed. Once a person is depressed, they begin to suffer from many other problems and diseases. Depression leads to heart disease and cardiovascular problems (Ziegelstein). Harvard also conducted a study that concluded “People who demonstrated dispositional optimism at the start of the study enjoyed a 45% lower risk of death during a nine-year follow-up period” (Optimism and Your Health). Clearly, optimism has a great impact on your ability to stay healthy during times of

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