
The Lo Gbe Exhibition

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Maneuvering around the entrance wall of the exhibit, draped in a large sized font Dancing in the Moonlight Zara Masks of Burkina Faso, visitors are engulfed in an atmosphere vastly different from the rest of the Harn Museum of Art. The exhibit held from October 27, 2015 until October 23, 2016, presents a performance of history and culture belonging to the Zara Muslim community around the city of Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. The Lo Gbe is a dance ritual created by the Zaras as an embodiment of their culture and honors the deceased members of the Zara community who have served bravely, righteously, and wisely. In the Lo Gbe dance, about a dozen performers wear the Lo Gbe, a white mask, and perform a rhythmic ritual dance which occurs on certain …show more content…

The viewer is instantly teleported to the grounds of the White Mask Dance where the same music rings across the neighborhoods as the dancers travel through the village. In the museum, the music originates from a short video clip broadcasted throughout every corner of the space. The video captures the performance ritual of the Lo Gbe dance performed by two figures moving swiftly to the beat of the music. The costumes they are wearing are a common ritual attire more clearly shown by the sculptures standing in the middle of the room. The movement of the dancers are echoed by their outfits which frames their body as well as, the ornaments and cotton fringes that dangle off their costume and headpieces. The surrounding photographs carefully placed by the curator, Lisa Homman (University of North Carolina) and Susan Cooksey (University of Florida) echoes the motion frames of the video, capturing the dancers in the middle of their performance. In the exhibit, the lighting is dimmed, mimicking the moonlight glow similar to the night of the ritual. As a result, the overall environment provides an eerie atmosphere for the viewers to perceive the enigmatic tradition of the Lo Gbe Dance and to observe the intricate costume details of the …show more content…

The entire exhibit was curated and structured to imitate the Lo Gbe performance which was created to commemorate the traditions of the Zara Muslims, the deceased, and the friendly alliance of the Zaras with the people of the Boba community. The lighting and music played throughout the gallery imitates the Lo Gbe dance on nights of full moon which is held each month. Exhibition viewers maneuver around the strategically hanged photographs on the wall as well as the center sculptural figures robeed in traditional Lo Gbe costumes much like the dance of the Lo Gbe in which performers prance around the audience. These costumes belong to master craft artist, Gaoussou Sanou who based many of his inspirations from the environmental limitations of the ritual nights. Although moonlight often overshadowed figures, Sanou strategically stitched bold, contrasting patterns and elaborated the headdress which is emphasized in the moonlight. The Lo Gbe costumes and dance become an expression of Zara Muslims’ history, culture, and

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