Climate Change is one of the chief problems that the world is struggling right now. It is estimated that every decade, the world’s temperature is increasing by 1ºC and this phenomenon is called global warming. An evident example of global warming is the melting of the polar ice caps. Compare to the past hundred years, the size of the polar ice caps has reduced which resulted to the rise of the sea levels and eventually destroying the homes of those people living near the seaside. Another consequence is the increasing number of dangerous typhoons. A typhoon starts from a low pressure area in the oceans and because the temperature of the water is increasing due to global warming, more low pressure areas are formed. Next, another effect of global warming is the widespread extinction of some animals. Many animals in the Arctic and Antarctic region have migrated to other places but some of them cannot stand the heat and they died. While under the sea, many fishes have also been extinct because the coral reefs have been destroyed in the process called coral bleaching. Lastly, a common evidence of global warming is the failure of cultivated crops. Many lands have dried up and have fissures because there is no water left especially on the season of El Niño which lead to hunger and increase in demand of food. The Ozone Layer is a region in the Earth’s stratosphere which serves as a protective layer against the sun’s ultraviolet rays and prevents the escape of oxygen (O2) from the
Global warming -- and climate change -- have long-term and short-term impacts on our environment. Caused by air pollutants such as carbon dioxide and methane, global warming is the gradual increase of air temperature across the globe. The rise in air temperatures can lead to higher extinction rates, increased risk of disease and political repercussions, such as wars over available resources. Understanding the possible short-term and long-term effects can help humans better prepare for the consequences of global warming.
In 1988, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration had conclusive proof products adding to the output of carbon dioxide and methane gases in the atmosphere were causing the earth to warm; and, if not stopped will make it inhabitable for human life. In the 1970’s the United States had conclusive proof that products releasing Chlorofluorocarbons into the atmosphere were causing the ozone layer to deplete; and, that if continued would be dangerous for human life. The United States took international global action, by joining the Montreal Protocol, to phase out the products producing chlorofluorocarbon and the ozone layer has been successfully replenished .
Global Warming has a huge affect on our daily lives and on animals. We lose a bunch of natural resources, especially fresh-water, because it melts into the salty oceans; however, attempts have been made including the slowing down of global warming by stopping the usage of fossil fuels; whether the attempts have been successful or not. The earth’s temperature is slowly increasing which is a massive long term factor on inhabitants all over the world. The Amazon Rainforest has also experienced many problems due to deforestation and the water circulation throughout all of the plants and trees. Global Warming is exponentially increasing causing the rapid melting of glaciers, which leads to ocean currents changing and
The ozone layer is a naturally occurring gas that acts like a blanket filtering out the Suns UV radiation. The ozone layer has a hole in it which allows UV radiation to reach the earth's surface. Causing skin cancer, cataracts, and weaker immune systems. The hole in the ozone layer is caused by chlorofluorocarbons. Commonly found in aerosols, refrigerators, air conditioners and cars. In the documentary An inconvenient truth, Al Gore stated that they fix the hole in the ozone layer.
Global warming is a resultant of Heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere. The release of these gases has increased in the last 500 years since the industrial revolution. There is an expectation that global warming will result to rising sea levels, droughts, fires, heat waves, extreme storms, heavy rainfall, floods, and melting of snow and ice. These changes as envisaged would affect agriculture and general food availability with devastating consequences for existence of life on earth. In additional, life would change completely because many systems are tied to the climate. For example, temperature changes would affect breeding
From a scientific point of view, the author describes and substantiates the existence of global warming and also observes the potential effects it could result in. These include of rising sea levels, shifted climate patterns, increased threats to infectious diseases, extreme global temperatures, and coastal erosion. But ultimately, the report informs readers that the degree to which global warming affects life on Earth primarily depends on our decisions.
Ozone occurs in two layers of the atmosphere. The ozone that is commonly associated with ozone depletion and the ozone “hole” is in the stratosphere, a layer that extends upward from about 10 to 30 miles (15 to 50 kilometers) above the earth. This “good” ozone shields life on earth from the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays (UV-b).
The glaciers are gone. Many animals are dead. Only a few humans survive. The temperature is always warm or hot. Food is extremely limited. Most plants have died. The sea level has risen. Hurricanes and storms plague what is left of the earth. This is the future that humans have in store for themselves and their posterity if they do not halt the effects of global warming and climate change now. Global warming is the result of humans’ use and release of various heat-trapping gases for energy and power in many aspects of life. These gases, also known as greenhouse gases, are rising to the atmosphere and are effectively raising the temperature of the planet because they trap in the heat. This is known as the greenhouse effect, where light is let in but heat is trapped, similar to an actual greenhouse. As these heat-trapping gases increase in the atmosphere, more heat is trapped therefore increasing the temperature and causing other detriments to our planet. The world problem of the increase in global temperature due to trapped greenhouse gases affects humans tremendously, mostly through the use and unavailability of crops and livestock, harmful effects on coastal cities, and the health risks to humans, which can be ameliorated by a change in human production and living by using renewable resources and energy to decrease CO₂ emissions.
Global warming is the increase in earth’s temperature due to the depletion of the ozone layer. This depletion is having an adverse effect on the earth as a whole. The earth’s temperature is constantly rising. This rising temperature has disrupted the ecosystem in marine lives by altering the food chain, breeding cycles and migration of marine mammals. According to the intergovernmental panel on climate change,
Over hundreds of thousands of years humans have adapted their way of life to the environment they live in resulting in us developing different physical attributes, shelters, clothing, foods, languages and beliefs. But there are elements in our world that all humans, no matter where or how they live depend on, water and air. Both are essential for life but air also protects all of us and it is therefore understandable that the response to the depletion of the ozone layer became international. This essay will look at what the ozone layer is, why it was depleting, how the international response to this situation developed and what this collaboration means for our future.
Due to our mass pollution to the atmosphere, humans are the main cause of global warming. “Since the beginning of the 1900s, the average surface temperature of Earth has risen by 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit” (Levete, 11). Global warming leads to temperature change. Iceberg and glaciers are melting at a rapid rate. This will cause sea level to rise. The Greenland and Antarctica ice sheets “lost an average of 571 trillion pounds (259 trillion kilograms) of mass every year during the six-year study period, making the oceans rise 0.03 inches (0.7 mm)
global warming is causing many conflicts around the world. Conflicts like melting ice glaciers, which causes rising sea levels. If the sea levels rises it can cause floods all around the world. If the sea levels keep rising some island will disappear. Heat waves are getting more and more common and will cause droughts. Cloud forest like true ecological kings of the jungle are dying off rapidly because of roads are being built, and farm settlement. The ecosystem is shifting in many parts of the globe, growing seasons is 2 weeks longer, animals are endangered, hibernation and migration is getting affected because of All of these has increased rapidly over the years.
Ozone molecules absorb ultraviolet radiation that’s radiated from the Sun and this occurs in the upper atmosphere at where the ozone layer lies. This prevents the majority of ultraviolet radiation emitted from reaching the Earth’s surface which is beneficial for human life as it decreases the risk of skin cancer, damage to the eyes and immune system (Kovats, S. and Menne, M. 2002). Ozone is considered to be a protective layer around the
Global climate change is real, it has noticeable effects on the environment. Climate change in the earth is caused by numerous activities. When climate change happens; temperatures can rise tremendously. Rapid warming notice nowadays is uncommon in the history of our planet. The rising temperatures will have great effects on the plant’s climate patterns and on all living things. When temperatures increase, different adjustments can occur on earth. For example, it can cause droughts, floods, air pollution, as well as extreme heat waves. Oceans are also experiencing changes: oceans are warming and becoming more acidic, glaciers are melting, and sea levels are rising. As these adjustments will occur in the future, it will cause challenges to our society and environment.
Climate changing is a serious issue for humanity and all the living creature on the earth. These days, more and more scientists and climatologists indicate the climate and our environment suffer the huge change. For all the humanity, the influences become more and more significant. Climate’s change definitely impacts People’s habitat and safety. Why is the climate important to us? Because of the climate change, people will live in danger. Climate will affect the whole ecosystems, not only human, the other living creature. For instance, the sea ecology changes because of the climate. When the ecosystems encounter the damage, people cannot avoid the effects. Foods supply will change that directly influence our survival needs, also fresh air, clean water are all disappearing over time.