
The Lost World By Sir Conan Doyle

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Dinosaurs went extinct on Earth 65 million years ago, and the only remnants of these colossal beasts are found in the Earth below. But what if somewhere on the planet was a place where dinosaurs lived, and kept surviving after the mass extinction. A Lost World. It was a cold, rainy March day when I turned on the news and heard something that was very interesting. “...and it appears that this is apart of some new species of lizard. This was found by a local scientist on the beaches of Venezuela. This creature has the appearance of a lizard, but it almost reminds you of a bird. There is no conclusive evidence on where this animal was from.” “Interesting,” I said to myself. This whole situation sounded somewhat familiar, it sounded like a book I read, but it was impossible. To give myself some peace of mind, I go to my bookshelf and pull out Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s, The Lost World. I skim through some of the book and I gasped when it said something about Venezuela. “This couldn 't be real,” I said to myself. I find my cell phone on my couch and quick call my paleontologist friend and colleague Dr. Stark. I ask if he had seen the news footage of the new animal and he said, “I have been looking into this for a while now(The animals in Venezuela), and I actually have a team going there to investigate an island we found that would geographically match were the new animal came from. I was about to call you before you called me to ask if you wanted to join me on my

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