
The Lowest Tiers Of Government

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The lowest tiers of government in Greece are municipalities and communes forming the first tier and the second being the prefectural administration. Since the 2011 Kallikratis Reform, there are 325 official municipalities. The principal means of addressing the economic crisis has been governmental austerity measures, which in turn have substantially influenced the public administration functioning and have led to reforms, including in local government operations . The first tiers of Greek local government are self-governing units. The Head of each municipality is chosen through a secret ballot and provides services to their people with no outside help. This means each municipality is similar to the larger cities of the United States. The individual municipalities are run by whom they elect and how they want without regulation from higher government. I believe that the crisis in Greek has a direct relation to the way their legal system is run. Yes, the Greek government has not gotten a break when it comes to the value of their currency or the influx of refugees, but change can take place. The United States is not perfect, but we find ways to lower unemployment rates increase GDP per capita and create an improving justice system. In 2014, the unemployment rate in the United States was 6.2% oppose to 26.6% in Greece . This leads to a plethora of problems beginning with the overall health of the economy. Greece’s unemployment rate may have something to do with their

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