
The Macromolecules Of The Body

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Introduction: What is responsible for carrying out most of the processes of life throughout the body? Proteins are the macromolecules of the body that fulfill most of these important processes essential to life. Proteins are then categorized into different classes. One of those classes is enzymes which are then specified by names. The main function of enzymes is to catalyze (speed up) biological reactions by lowering the activation energy which is the amount of energy that is needed to initiate a chemical reaction. Enzymes work to lower the activation energy of only spontaneous exothermic reactions. Therefore, the function of an enzyme cannot make a reaction become spontaneous (Vodopich and Moore 2). The way enzymes work is very specific …show more content…

What is really interesting and important to know about enzymes is the fact that they can continuously cycle, which means that they can go through various chemical reactions and remain unchanged. Although enzymes can do all of these important things in our body, they can still be destroyed or better yet “denatured” since they are proteins. Denaturation is a process where a protein loses its structure and function. This can be caused by increases in temperature and changes pH levels (Vodopich and Moore 2). The enzyme we used for this experiment was catalase. Catalase is found in peroxisomes and its main function is to break down hydrogen peroxide. Catalase can be found in both plants and animal cells. In plant cells it plays a role in the process of converting fats into carbohydrates and catalase activity is found in animal cells in the liver and kidney. One of the most important roles of catalase is to protect the cells from oxidative damage. Catalase can also convert hydrogen peroxides into water and oxygen (Vodopich and Moore 3). In this experiment we observed a specific enzyme-catalyzed reaction and designed two experiments in order to test the effects of different factors on enzyme activity. The specific reaction given was 2H2O2=2H2O + O2. For our resolutions, the release of oxygen was used to determine the enzyme activity by the presence of

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