
The Major Theories Of Aging And How They Coincide With Education Essay

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Education is an important aspect of life no matter what age you are at and many seniors continue to want to learn as they get older. For older adults to be able to pursue education there are some obstacles that they may face, one of which is long walks from the parking spaces to the classroom and the cost of parking can deter them when even one class requires you to go to campus multiple times a week (Novak, 2012). A third reason is that they may have memories from when they were in school when they were younger (Novak, 2012). Not all older people go back to school to earn more money, some are focused on helping others with their education and not worried about the money (Novak, 2012). Throughout this paper I will look at some of the major theories of aging and how they coincide with education as an older person, staring with the life span development model. The life span development theory adopted the constructs of life stage and developmental tasks, both of which can influence not only everyday life, but also a person’s career (Jepsen & Dickson, 2003). When we look at how tasks are completed with the life span development theory it shows that tasks are mastered based on age, this can reflect on how an older person may perform when they go back for further education (Jepsen & Dickson, 2003). As we master task at one stage of aging it helps us to be able to move onto the next stage and build onto those tasks just like education does (Jepsen & Dickson, 2003). With

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