
The Man Of The Crowd And Ligeia By Edgar Allen Poe

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In Edgar Allen Poe’s, “The Man of the Crowd” and “Ligeia”, and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s, “Young Goodman Brown,” there is a constant presence of darkness throughout each text. The darkness displayed in these works allude to the ongoing theme of the ambiguity of sin. Both authors, Poe and Hawthorne, are considered to be Dark Romantics because they both center their works around the conflict between good and evil in every individual and showcase the dark side of human nature. In using elements from Dark Romanticism, Poe and Hawthorne create characters who struggle in their ability to find one’s own true self, resulting in character’s inability to accept and understand others because they are incapable of accepting sin, thus preventing the characters from then accepting themselves. In each of the stories, there lies an overwhelming distrust and lack of acceptance of others. Poe and Hawthorne begin each of their short stories by demonstrating each Narrator and Goodman Brown 's inability to accept others. In Poe 's "The Man in the Crowd", this is seen by the Narrator 's decision to follow the man which he cannot identify. The Narrator makes the decision to follow the man as it would allow him "a good opportunity of examining his person", something he needs desperately, demonstrated in his infatuation with the man ("Man in the Crowd" 4). The Narrator 's need for identification demonstrates his inability to accept others. In Poe 's story "Ligeia", the inability of acceptance of

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