There is no secret of the overwhelming influence the mass media has over society. It has a great power and reaches large audiences. By presenting certain sorts of messages and facts skillfully, the media can manipulate people’s attitude and opinions without them even knowing. Business’ use of this constant exposure to their advantage and often invest and rely on commercials as a means to sell their products. Because so many different people rely on the mass media, the companies need a platform that is universal, understandable, and acceptable for numerous and diverse recipients. Unfortunately, companies often use stereotypes and gender roles when advertising their products or ideas in commercials to make them more “relatable” and appealing. What companies don’t realize is that these commercials mimics social life and evokes certain associations regarding gender. Mass media not only gives people information and entertainment, but it also affects people’s lives by shaping their opinions, attitudes and beliefs. In this paper I will discuss how gender roles are seen in commercials, how genders sell a certain type of product, and how these commercials can effect children’s perceptions of what is appropriate for their gender. As if enough pressure is not already put onto women, commercials add to the pressure of being working women in America. Commercials that are used to sell cleaning products play heavily into gender roles and gender stereotypes. Of course women are
What is it that drives commercials towards their target audience? Commercials can be aimed toward certain age, race, along with certain gender groups. Pop culture has influenced minority groups and shed light on women 's rights or so it may seem. Lisa Shaffer a fellow student feels otherwise and believes that Pop culture has only defended traditional values and does little to challenge those who already have power . Commercials bring in gender norms and in Steve Craig’s article, “Men’s Men and Women’s Women” he speaks on four particular TV ads directed towards male and female audiences. Interestingly enough these tv ads deliver a false image of the opposite sex to the audience catering to their preferences. It is the image of what the audience wants to see that appeals to them. This is all in an attempt to sell products and take advantage of our desires and anxieties. Craig shows how commercials bring gender norms that produce the stigmas of a man’s man and a woman’s woman, which makes it apparent that he would agree with Shaffer because it promotes an old way of thinking.
Women around the world face overwhelming oppressions in their daily lives. That is not news to anyone and these oppressions have occurred for so much of history, that it is often times overlooked by the mass majority; even the younger generations of women do not know the types of oppressions that they will soon have to face. To combat this,, a well known organization that sells t-shirts and other merchandise with witty anti-racism, anti-homophobic, and pro-feminist catchphrases on them, created the video, “Potty-Mouthed Princesses Drop F-Bombs for Feminism”. As the title implies, the video contains little girls, ages six through eleven, aggressively yelling “FUCK,” towards the camera while rattling off facts and statistics about some of the oppressions women face because of their gender. The comment section of this video is erratic; the viewers often have conflicting views about the meaning of the video as well as whether or not it was successful in its purpose. One thing is for sure, the video makes an impact by using several rhetorical devices including word choice, pathos and logos; all which separate it from other pro-feminism videos that exist.
Commercials also affect the mentality of young children. In every commercial advertising toys demonstrates how cars are for boys and dolls are for girls. There are always commercials about girls playing with a toy house, cooking appliance, or a beautiful barbie doll. Additionally, there are commercials about boys playing with action figures, cars, and sports. In the article “Care Bears vs. Transformers: Gender Stereotypes in Advertisements” Dr. Monica Brasted mentions her experience at a fast food restaurant with her daughter. In her daughter’s happy meal she received a carebear, when her daughter wanted a transformer. The cashier assumed since she was a girl she would like a carebear rather than a transformer. This demonstrates how society believes there are specific toys made for each gender and only that gender can play with it. Brasted stated “Research indicates that the media, particularly advertising, has played a role in the perpetuation of gender stereotypes in our culture.” Basically, Brasted is proving the point that many commercials have shown gender roles and have influences in young kids. All these commercials in their own perspective show how it is okay for a woman and men to abide to these rules society has created.
Advertisements can be found all over in our society. They are on television, in newspapers, on the Internet, and even on the sides of cars and buses. Advertisements greatly influence the way people shop and view products. Many companies use gender stereotypes as a strategy to advertise and sell their products. These advertisements show that men still have a more dominant role over women. Ads are openly sexist and objectifying towards both women and men and usually have a clear gender difference. After looking at many different ads for different products, one thing became clear. The advertisements used for adults and children help guide our society into the stereotypical gender roles we currently have and teach us that objectifying both men and women is acceptable.
A commercial is one of the advertisements that we could see in life. When you turn on television, you could see a lot of commercials before programs start. In Men’s Men and Women’s Women, Steve Craig, an author, claims that “advertisers seem quite willing to manipulate … fantasies and exploit our anxieties, especially those concerning our gender identities.” However, Stan Hope disagrees since he assumes that “the ads he describes are just light hearted to stories designed to entertain, rather than exploit. Consumers are way too smart to be so easily manipulated in any case.” Advertisements could just describe stores for entertainment like Hope said. However, advertisers should think carefully about gender identities because men and women’s favors are different.
What is it that drives commercials towards their target audience? Commercials can be for a certain age, race, and sometimes even a certain gender. Pop culture has influenced the minority groups and shed light to women 's rights or so it was thought. Lisa Shaffer a fellow student feels otherwise and believes that Pop culture has only defended traditional values and does little to challenge those who already have power . Commercials bring in gender norms and in Steve Craig’s article, “Men’s Men and Women’s Women” he speaks on four particular TV ads directed towards a particular gender. What is interesting is it shows a false image of the opposite sex to the audience being portrayed toward their preferences. It is the image the audience wants to see that appeals to them. This is all in an attempt to sell their products and take advantage of our desires and anxieties. Craig shows commercials brings gender norms that produce the ideas of what a man’s man and a woman’s woman which is why he would agree with Shaffer because it promotes an old way of thinking.
For instance, half a century ago, commercials portrayed women as housewives while men worked to support the family. Today, women are portrayed as having very different roles. Reebok’s campaign for a women’s product line reversed gender roles by having women watch a football game on television while the men cleaned up (Sheehan, 2013). While this campaign was designed to make fun of gender roles, it could have an effect on changing viewers minds about stereotypes (Sheehan, 2013.) Two varied
Sexist ads show that society is dominated by the same masculine values that have controlled the image of women in the media for years. Sexist advertisement reinforces gender stereotypes and roles, or uses sex appeal to sell products, which degrades the overall public perception of women. The idea that sexism is such a rampant problem comes from the stereotypes that are so deeply embedded into today’s society that they almost seem to be socially acceptable, although they are nowhere near politically correct. Images that objectify women seem to be almost a staple in media and advertising: attractive women are plastered all over ads. The images perpetuate an image of the modern woman, a gender stereotype that is reinforced time and time again by the media. These images are accepted as “okay” in advertising, to depict a particular product as sexy or attractive. And if the product is sexy, so shall be the consumer. In the 1970s, groups of women initially took issue with the objectification of women in advertisements and with the limited roles in which these ads showed women. If they weren’t pin-ups, they were delicate
The gender dynamics in an advertising commercial has not change throughout the years. Ads are a vast source of stereotyping since they are targeting a specific gender. Studies show that there are more male roles on television than female roles. Women are more often present in commercials, because they are seen as responsible for making everyday purchases. Men generally advertise cars, cigarettes, business products, or investments. Whereas women are shown rather in the commercials with cosmetics and domestic products. They are also more likely portrayed in the home environment, unlike men, who are shown outdoors (Barthel 24-5).
Gender roles are a conception of femininity and masculinity. The gender roles for men and women in society are partially constituted of individual thinking. These conceptions and gender roles are not completely biological but also social and cultural. Women are earning advanced degrees and are entering careers which have been traditionally dominated by men. But women are still depicted as images of beauty and sexuality in movies, video games and advertisements. This paper explores the ways in which women continue to be depicted in society; specifically how women are portrayed in advertisements, the negative impact they make on women and the patriarchy that they depict. Highly sexualized images of women’s bodies put them on centre stage to be looked at, judged and evaluated. Not only does it put women in vulnerable positions, but hypothesizes male dominance. Women are being objectified and taken advantage of in advertisements by being presented as a “fantasy element”.
On television commercials, billboards, the radio, public transportation advertisements, planes, the internet, and almost everywhere people go there is always directed broadcasting of advertisements for companies to sell their product; a product that is never promoted for all of the general public to use, but instead to emphasize on specific categories of consumption . Whether it may be categorized in the decadent, the money saving, health, cleaning, cooking, automotive, or whatever sub category it may be; and bigger roles that play in to commercialism are gender roles . Men and women have very different lifestyles, what they buy, do, consume, and produce. As stated in Gender Role Behaviors and Attitudes, “Popular conceptions of femininity
Media creates meaning about gender through its advertising industry by linking the consumer’s “emotions and most beloved ideals to products and services by persuading us that identity and self-worth can be fashioned out of the things we buy” (Featherstone, 1991; Zukin, 2004 qtd. In the author of the attachment pg. 219). They transform gender into a commodity and convince us to identify our gender with their product and that our sense of gender identification will be strengthened and reinforced if we buy the products or services they are peddling to us.
Since the 1960s and the rebirth of the women’s movement, there have been rages against the way women are treated in advertising. Every day viewers will find themselves showered by explicit advertisements, images, slogans, songs, ads, etc., all that which have a major underlying issue within mass media: the objectification of women. Women were suggestively portrayed for the sale of all different types of products and services, from print in magazines to commercials on television. There is an extremely strong focus on women being a sexual object rather than what she is, a female human being.
In the Early days T.V. sitcoms portrayed women as housewives and men as the breadwinners (workforce). For example, Leave it to Beaver was a T.V. show were June Cleaver( the mother) stayed at home all times and never disciplined the children. Were as Ward Cleaver (the father) was the dominant one who worked and disciplined the children. Now, the sitcoms are completely different as far as the gender roles that each parent plays. For example, who’s the Boss were Angela was a successful businesswoman and provided for the family and Tony was the housekeeper. Commercials are another way that gender roles are displayed in society. When you see a car commercial for a mechanic most of the time the mechanic is a man. But when you see a commercial about cleaning products for the house normally a woman is the face you see. In other words, the media can help break the barriers on how gender roles are portrayed in society. The more that women represent strength on T.V. will also encourage them to build their self-confidence. However, not intending that traditional ways are bad, but the era has changed by who the individual is and not by their gender.
Throughout the years the use of technology has increased, and expanded. Mass media plays a vital role in society. Mass media can be defined as any means of communication, to an extremely large group of people. Technological advancements have been extremely beneficial for prior generations, the generation we now live in, and will be for the future generations to come. Such as, providing news for the world to hear, entertainment, and much more. Some examples of media would be television, films, newspapers, and the Internet. Unfortunately along with benefits, there are disadvantages concerning gender discrimination, and sexism. Such as, women feelings forced and obligated to stay at home with their children instead of working, and the representation of beauty involving both men and women. Examples of how the media can accomplish this would be through the use of advertisements, movies, magazines, and the radio. The media has an enormous effect on people within society today.