
The Matrix Film

Decent Essays

The camera most focus on the character or characters straight on or just off to the side a bit. Most all the shots are steady, no panning or movement. Occasionally the camera moves to follow a character’s movement or a zoom of a characters face. The camera is a third party, the audience’s, point of view. It never has a point-of-view from a character. In frame 3 and a few seconds after it, the camera changes back and forth from Neo’s body and Agent Smith. While the camera is focused on Agent Smith, a high angled shot is used to show Agent Smith’s superiority over Neo and the other Agents; he was the one who killed Neo. It is interesting that the camera never shows a low angle shot while looking at Neo’s body. Then only shots we see are ones that face him straight on, suggesting that Neo may not be done fighting. With the camera staying steady, the audience stays separate of the action, almost like we …show more content…

This time it has a more mysterious effect to it; like “how is this possible?” The audience shares Neo’s shock, and probably Tank and Morpheus’ shock as well because they were watching Neo the Matrix. When Neo realizes that he can control things in the Matrix the music changes and becomes more confident and stronger, as if going from “how is this possible” to “I can actually do this now.” The music in this part of the scene reflects Neo’s thoughts as he now realizes his powers and will now use it against the Agents. Then it takes a slightly different sound approach as if saying “This is a miracle.” The One has finally been found and the music reflects how big a deal this is to everyone. The music changes slightly when Agent Smith charges Neo and they begin to fight. It has a deeper tone, but still carries the undertone of the new realization that Neo is the One. Some diegetic sound from this scene was the punches and blocks that were made from Agent Smith trying to hit

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