
The Memory Of Justice Analysis

Decent Essays
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Kalkidan Mulugeta
Cine 325
October 21, 2015

Marcel Ophul's “The Memory of Justice” Marcel Ophuls, son of the well known director Max Ophuls is an award winning film maker and director best known for his documentary masterpieces. Ophuls was born in 1927 in Frankfurt Germany and later moved to Paris, France due to the Nazi take over. Ophuls and his family stayed in hiding in the Vichy area for over a year. Ophuls and his family later moved to the United States where Ophuls attended Hollywood high and lived on Hollywood street. Ophuls and his family later returned to Paris in 1950 Although Ophuls is reputable for his earlier films and television experiences, he is most notorious for making his intriguing documentaries. Upon returning to …show more content…

Throughout the film, Ophuls focuses on several interviews and newsreels of surviving individuals. Ophuls captured footage of some of the witnesses, and those who were involved in the trials. These newsreels and interviews consist of ideas that lead to the French tactics in the fight to keep Algeria and America in action in Vietnam. Throughout the many interviews in the The Memory of Justice, Ophuls asks the individuals a series of ethical questions and some interesting responses are provided. In the clips of the newsreel, there are a multiple scenes in the Nuremnberg courtroom. One significant scene was where the Nazi Germany politicians, Rudolf Hess and the leading member of the Nazi Party, Hermann Goering are shown discussing their army I.Q. Tests, comparing results before they are trialed for peace interference and war crimes leading to their imprisonment. During the interviews, some deny their responsibility but others, like Mr. Speer accept their responsibility. A young German woman, for example, explains that the previous generation did not make the initiative to find the root of the problems. Others, like Daniel L. Ellsberg presents a more evasive sense of acceptance when when explaining the American war criminals of …show more content…

Often times, Ophuls carefully uses music during the breaks which allow the viewers to have some time to think of the overwhelming events and information that is displayed. The music is enjoyable and in french and relates to each seen. His music is very meaningful. He also uses minor nudity, which grabs the audience attention and again makes the audience think about the meaning behind certain footage that is displayed. The footage that Ophuls was able to capture is remarkable. His interviews are raw and to the point. He is careful about where to add breaks in the film which create a greater affect on the content presented. Marcel Ophuls was able to capture a great amount of content and every scene in the film was relevant and effective. Ophuls succeeded in presenting several interviews that allowed individuals to express their experiences and his ideas presented has greatly impacted the cinema world as well as the

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