
The Mindset By Carol Dweck

Decent Essays

In this world we have people who are successful and others, who aren’t. But what's make them different from each other? What if I should tell you, that you can be successful by just changing your mind? I don’t mean by just thinking positive, I mean changing the way of viewing thing into a growth mindset. Don't know what a growth mindset is, well you should read a book that will change your way of thinking to become a better you and even successful. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck, explains how there are two different types of mindset. These mindset plays a big role on who’s successful and why. It is not rocket science, the book just explain to us on thing we might have never thought about and bring it to better light. This book can change everything for you. …show more content…

She started to do study with children to see how they would react with difficulty. What Carol found out was extremely surprising to her. She learned that some children loved a difficult challenge and wanted more of it. The children didn’t think they were even failing when they couldn’t figure the challenge out. They thought they were learning. Dweck states that her research has been going on for twenty years. Her research shown the view you create for yourself can affects the choices in your life. There are two different types of mindset, Dweck talked about. One of them, is fixed mindset and the other is growth mindset. These two different type of mindset can affect you in sports, relationship, school, and the workplace. The fixed mindset is you have importances to prove yourself, time after time. The other is a growth mindset is based on always improving your qualities. The growth mindset allows people to still grow during a hard time in their life. Fixed mindset with people fear

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