The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 or MMPI-2 is a widely used, 567-item, standardized personality inventory, which measures personality characteristics. The test includes several validity scales, which assist the assessor to analyze the validity of the overall test results (Groth-Marnat, 2009) and the test-taking attitude (Friedman, Bolinsky, Levak, & Nichols, 2014). The scales allow detecting the client’s intention to fake the result. The Cannot Say scale indicates that the client answered all items of the test. The client answered the test in a consistent manner (VRIN= 46T). However, although it is within the normal range, an elevation in the True Response Inconsistency scale (TRIN= 64T) indicates that the client has a
Personality theories, or models, are metaphors for describing something which is intrinsically indescribable, the human personality. Currently, one of the most popular approaches among psychologists for studying personality theory is the Five-Factor Model (FFM) or Big Five dimensions of personality. This essay will explore the 'Big Five ' personality constructs and seek to explain how useful they are to understanding how people are likely to perform in a work situation. In conclusion, this essay will also discuss some of the arguments against the relevance and accuracy of personality testing within the employment context.
The MMPI-2 is one of the best psychological tests to use because the validity scales are effective in identifying test-takers who may be faking
Personality tests are actually considered more valid, reliable, and standardized than projective tests because they are primarily computerized or answered with paper and pencil. The ten scales of MMPI are social introversion, hypomania, schizophrenia, psychasthenia, paranoia, masculinity- femininity, psychopathic deviate, hysteria, depression, and hypochondriasis. Social introversion measures traits such as shyness and sensory overload. Hypomania measures overactivity and emotional excitement. Schizophrenia measures deviant behaviors and uncommon thoughts.
The five-factor model (FFM) is a contemporary construct describing personality. It incorporates five traits – openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism also referred to as OCEAN. Within each dimension, there are specific personality attributes, for example, openness includes subcategories of feelings and actions. The FFM was influenced by Cattell’s 16-factor model (1957) and shares traits with many other personality theories such as Eysenck’s PEN model. There has been an ongoing debate discussing how many factors appropriately represent the brain structure of personality, suggestions have varied from 2-7, recently Almagor et al. (1995) advocated that a 7-factor model unfolds when evaluative traits are involved. Costa & Mcrae (1992) claim that the FFM is the best theory of personality, however, the model has received much criticism. Through examining different aspects of the model its credibility can be explored.
If Amtrak and Metrolink want to use personality tests on their employees, the MMPI would be most effective. The positives of this test far outweigh the cons. The test examines everything about a person, from their self-esteem to emotions. It can also identify any signs of disorder in an individual. It is also widely used by many different companies to assess the success a person might have in a high-risk public safety position. The MMPI is widely considered to be the most reliable personality test. It dives much deeper into a person's psyche than any of its counterparts, like the Rorschach Test. The only downside to the MMPI is the amount of time it takes to complete. With 567 true-false questions, it can take a while to complete, but the information
For my research, I have selected to review the Myers-Briggs type indicator personality test. The authors of the test are Katharine Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers. Katherine and Isabel are a mother and daughter team that worked on the test together. They were influenced by the Swiss psychologist, Carl Jung. In 1921, he published his ideas regarding different personality. Since Catherine and Isabel had many of the same ideas and agreed with his published work, they conducted research throughout the 40s, 50s and 60s in order to get additional information for their own test. (The Myers Briggs Personality Test Why Should I Use It?, 2011) The instrument was first finalized and published in 1943, but almost 37 years
Jane Smith is a 14 year old adolescent. She was referred for psychological evaluation so that her behavioral and emotional status can be determined. Recently Jane recorded a declining academic performance. Her recent behaviors are questionable too. So the evaluation is geared toward declining academic performance and behavior problems.
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is a psychological test that assesses personality traits and psychopathology. It is primarily intended to test people who are suspected of having mental health or other clinical issues. The substantive scale reveals that Mary has somatic complaints and emotional and interpersonal dysfunction. She likes to internalize her emotions that include self-doubt, stress and worry, anxiety and fears. Mary has several interpersonal difficulties showing from her results such as family problems, social avoidance, and social anxiety and feels uncomfortable at times with people being around her. She is currently being treated for obsessive compulsive disorder by her family doctor. The test reports that
The Minnesota Multiphase Personality Inventory 2 (MMPI-2) assessment is an updated version of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory to “revise and reword the language of some of the existing items that were dated, awkward or sexist” (Aiken & Groth-Marnat, 2006, p. 407). This assessment is used for a wide range of clinical conditions based on self-report. The MMPI-2 can also be used in nonclinical settings such as to “assess persons who are candidates for high-risk public safety positions and in criminal/civil forensic settings” ( This assessment is concerned with “psychosomatic symptoms, attitudes, emotions, eating disorders, drug abuse, etc.” (Aiken & Groth-Marnat, 2006, pp. 405-407).
I have been exposed to the several clinical personality tests such as the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory 4 (MCMI), and the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI), and have learned to score these clinical assessments. Although I do not have the full expertise of a clinical psychologist, I have been exposed to the practices that will prepare me for the clinical work required in my training to be a Clinical Neurologists and possibly a Clinical
The client was administered the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory- 2nd Edition-Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF) as an objective measure of their social-emotional and personality functioning. The scores are based on answers to a large number of true/false questions. Based on Mr. Cintron’s responses, this protocol was invalid and uninterpretable due to inconsistent responding. There was evidence of excessive inconsistency because of fixed true responding to the test item.
The personality assessment inventory tests provide results on my individual personality, values, motivation, decision making, communication, team skills, conflict skills, organizational structure preference, and stress. These results are broken down briefly in three parts and do not include any personal speculation or analysis as to their meaning. The application of these results are further applied and explains how the results noted from the tests and in the first step will make me a better employee, co-worker, and manager within my organization. These tests mentioned above are applied in conjunction with particular examples on how I can achieve becoming a better employee, co-worker, and manager. An explanation of how my personality and experiences were affected by the Holy Spirit is also discussed. Particularly, how potential weaknesses have become strengths with the guidance of the Lord.
inspection can be analyzed and broken down. Personality, when broken down, is really just a
The NEO PI-R is available for purchase at the publisher’s website, for individuals with a qualification level of S or B. A level S qualification requires that buyers have a degree, certificate, or license to practice in a health care profession, in addition to having the appropriate training and experience in ethical administration, scoring, and interpretation of clinical behavioral assessment measures (NEO PI-R™, 2012). A level B qualification is very similar to the level S qualification in that it requires a license or certification that required appropriate training and experience in the ethical and knowledgeable use of psychological tests, or a degree in psychology, counseling, or a related field, in addition to having completed coursework in test interpretation, psychometrics, measurement theory, and educational statistics with a passing grade (NEO PI-R™, 2012). This helps to ensure that the test is only handled by individuals who have the necessary knowledge to interpret the test without misinterpretation, which could have negative outcomes.
Write a 3- to 5-page paper drawing on your reading that discusses why understanding personality is important as a basis for understanding how to counsel people. Address the following questions: How do cognitive processes and culture relate to personality dynamics? What are some important influences on personality development?