
The Model Of Organizational Structure

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3.1) Existing Organization Structure
The Unit consists of 30 members at strategic apex level, middle line management, techno commercial level and support staff and operational level. The organizational structure closely resembles the Professional Bureaucracy Mintzberg Model of organizational structure.
• Apex Strategic unit consisted of the 1 Regional Director and 1 Vice president.
• The Techno commercial Unit consisted of 1 Costing Engineer and 1 Planning Engineer.
• The Support Unit consisted of the 1 Stores In charge, 1 Electrical Technician and 1 Electrical Engineer, 1 Mechanical Engineer, 1 Mechanic, 1 Technical assistant to VP and 1 non technical assistant to VP.
• The Middle Line consisted of 1 Project Manager.
• The Operational Unit consisted of the 2 experienced Engineers and 5 site engineers, 5 site supervisors, 5 charge hands, 1 water proofing technician.

Chart 1
The structure of the organization mentioned in chart no 1 defines the division of the work, coordination of work within the subunits and formal reporting relationship. These different subunits are equipped with required resources and systems of communication such as Enterprise Resource Planning Software, Cell phones, Emails, checklists etc to achieve standards set by the company.

Strategic Apex
• The Strategic Apex had less interaction with the PM and PD unit and was mainly

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