
The Morale Of A Service Teacher

Decent Essays

Boosting Teacher Morale One significant problem in the education field is the morale of in-service teachers. This problem is global, but it is particularly prominent in my current setting in south Louisiana. National and local newspaper, magazine, and online articles abound with accounts about how teachers have left the classroom. The stories have patterns and themes that usually involve a teacher describing their initial draw to the field and their desire to work with children, but the love for teaching faded away each day as things like new curriculum programs, less empowerment to make appropriate decisions about what’s best for children, more assessments, inadequate professional developments, and high stakes teacher evaluations were required. I can connect to these stories, especially when I remember how I felt during my first years of teaching. I thought that I was not getting paid enough to deal with the stress and exhaustion of trying to help children succeed when I felt pinned down by policies, did not feel the support of my administrators, or have many tools to address all of the responsibilities. Sometimes being a teacher felt like being on a deserted island. And even though I was fortunate to have friendly colleagues to share the same forlorn environment as me, I felt miserable at times. Although the problem of teacher morale is very complex, I have been inspired by certain experiences that have helped me formulate a few solutions that may address this

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