
The Most Difficult One On One Meeting You Have Had With A Supervisor Or Professor

Better Essays

1. Describe the most difficult one-on-one meeting you have had with a supervisor or professor. What specific actions did you take? How did you bring the situation to successful closure? There was a time that I needed assistance from my professor on understanding some philosophical theory that was discussed in class, but my professor did not really explain the idea well enough for me to understand. I was required to write an essay that compared and contrast the different versions of Utilitarianism, but philosophical ideas were kind of hard for me to follow and understand clearly. I tried to help my professor explain the ideas to me by splitting the main ideas into smaller ideas and then summarizing what they told me in the end. For example, when we talked about John Stuart Mill’s version of Utilitarianism, I started asking about how it originated and then ended with how it is seen today. Having my professor explain to me in more detail helped me better write my paper. As a result, I received an A for the paper. 2. Describe a specific time when you were able to effectively communicate a difficult or unpleasant idea to a superior or professor. How did you present your thoughts, and what was the outcome? The website application I was working on had to go through many updates and those updates had to be pushed on to the production server, but I was required to go through my supervisor every time I wanted to do that. The group that I created this web-app for wanted me to make

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