The Most Difficulty for BUS 210
The most difficult of BUS 210 was to identify adverbs, adjectives, verbs and nouns. The most troublesome is that I cannot differentiate adverbs from adjectives. If I continue practicing writing I know that my writing will improve in a matter of time. I have a website where I need to write articles regularly that will keep me busy in the winter break. I am pretty sure that I will improve if I continue writing for my blog.
What I learned from BUS 210
I learn a lot of good ways how business perform in the real world and I my writing skills improve as well too. This class thought me that every business have to write reports and all kind emails. I learn how to use commas and proper punctuation. I am able to
The improvement activities that you were doing before worked, as you began to reach 97% OTD. You’re efforts to refocus on those tasks now is very much appreciated. Below I have commented on each of your bullet points and remember my comments refer to all employees that enter orders not just CSR’s.
Step 1: The chargrilled sandwich accounted for 7 % of sales in 2013. This seems that the profit is not so much. To change the situation, the company decided to change.
Actually I learned many things from this class. First of all I learned how to write a thesis statement and the topic sentences. Then I got the idea about the hook sentences. I learned to add the transition sentences so that I could connect every paragraphs which makes the flow in the every paragraph. We also did the assignment of the rhetorical analysis about the advertisement which helped me to analyze the advertisement. In that assignment I learned about the ethos, pathos and logos. I knew how to bring the main idea of the essay into the body paragraphs. I learned to connect the sentences with each other’s. It helped to find my weakness and work on them.
This class has helped my writing in the way that I now try to think of the
Throughout this course, I was able to assess and evaluate my weaknesses and strengths in writing. This class has truly brought out my ability to write, a skill I did not believe I had. I now know what it takes to become a college-level writer. Also, at the beginning of the course I did not particularly enjoy writing. Now, however, I have a greater respect for
I've learned alot about writing. For example on how to write an essay according to the appropriate audience and how to think like a writer would.
I have learned so many things out of this class that would be very useful to me in the future. Also, I don’t think that if I truly want to write about all the things I have learned from this class it would all fill a 2 pages paper. However, the three main things that I have retained from this include how to write a response paper, how to read a book better, and how to better write essays.
I have always had a trouble in writing and after taking this GSW course I feel much more confident in my writing abilities and have learned many skills that I will always be able to use in my writing. I feel that over the course of this writing class that I have learned a lot of useful information and have grown as a writer. I have learned many skills that have improved my writing from the sources I use to the styles I write into using visuals in my papers. I have also improved my writing process. I go through many more steps to make sure my writing is to its best. I use more than just myself in my writing process I use others to help me and give me feedback on how I can improve even more on my writing. I have made a huge change in my writing
I have written more in the past year in this course than I probably wrote throughout high school career. This class made me notice that prewriting really does make a difference in the end result as well as having a peer critique your paper. Instead of writing a quick paper and just handing it in, I was actually forced to take the time out to write a rough draft, read my own work out loud, and revise my work. It helped me make my writing more organized and have a better flow throughout my paper In the future, I will continue to use this method as well as visit the many resource we have on campus that can give feedback what can make my paper better or just checking for grammar errors, spell check, and sentence fragments.
Concerning my own classes, I have also received many benefits and experiences to help better my future. Chiefly, one of these is my Creative Writing class I had last semester with Dr. Owens, who helped me to further refine my craft, not only from a writing standpoint, but from an editing standpoint as well. This enables me to continue my pursuit of my goals in the field of writing, and lays even more important foundations for this path.
The two most valuable business writing lessons I've learned from this course Informative and Persuasive Speaking. I learned that being a successful informative speaker starts with choosing a topic that engage and educate the audience. I remember talking a course that was extremely boring all the professor did was lecture and rant on about things that had nothing to do with the subject. looking around the class people were not engaged at all some people were on there phones and others were sleep.
Home /Current Term (Term 4, 2016-2017) /BUS 2204 - AY2017-T4 /13 April - 19 April /Written Assignment Unit 2 /Assessing submission
For example, in my Client Letter assignment I constantly had to be aware that I am writing for a person who is not a lawyer, therefore I could not use legalese and I had to write in the plain English. This was of the most valuable experiences during this semester.
Through this experience, I learned how to balance my business and my school work well, how to manage a budget, and how to properly source, manage, and organize inventory. I also ran customer service, in which I learned how to build upon criticism and adjust our business model accordingly.