
The Most Famous Guitar Players For Find Success At Fame

Decent Essays

One of the more famous guitar players to find success at FAME was Duane Allman. In September of 1968, Allman went to visit Hall, with the hopes of joining FAME as a studio musician. Hall remembered that Allman “was a huge fan of the things I was doing – Jimmy Hughes, Arthur Alexander, Clarence Carter, Joe Tex. He knew about all the records I was cutting and was heavy into black music.” However, at the time, Hall did not need another guitar player. This did not scourge Allman and he stayed in the Shoals, waiting for his chance. When Duane finally did get the chance to play for Rick Hall, he made a lasting first impression “One day we were doing a demo and he had his bottleneck,” says Hall. “To be honest with you, I hadn’t saw many …show more content…

The day Johnson and the other section member informed Hall of their plans, Hall signed a million-dollar contract with Capitol Records to produce artists on FAME’s record label. Hall offered each of the section members a base salary of $10,000 a year to become FAME’s exclusive band, but they earned nearly double that figure the year before and could not justify signing Hall’s offer. Johnson remembers that Hall had “been up all night, but I thought he reacted good under the circumstances. He did tell us, ‘I would do the same thing, but you’ll never make it.’” Hall immediately started looking for other local musicians and found Junior Lowe on guitar, Jesse Boyce on bass, Freeman Brown on drums, and Clayton Ivey on keyboards. They became known as the “Fame Gang.” Over the years Hall would bring new musicians into the Fame Gang. Linda Hall states, “There was always a different set of musicians trying to get started, they weren’t as good as the ones Rick used all the time, but he just called these guys in and developed his new rhythm section. He had done this at least four or five times. A studio musician has to be very motivated, creative type person.” On April 12, 1969, Billboard announced the new FAME and Capitol Records partnership. The article entitled “Black Jobs, Culture Gain Capitol Boost” outlined, “(Capitol’s) joint financial venture with

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