
The Most Important Characteristics Of A Leader Essay

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For the topic, I chose question #3 for my paper. Argument P1: One of the most important characteristics of a leader is their imagination. P2: Some people think the most important attribute of a leader is knowledge. ∴ I agree with both positions since some leaders are effective based on their comprehensive knowledge of their job, whereas other leaders are extremely effective based on their extra ordinary imagination. Is it more important for a leader to have imagination or knowledge? A person that possesses an imagination can be exposed to a wider world of wisdom. People that have knowledge are restricted by the amount of information they know; where as people with imaginations are limitless. Imagination is more valuable to leadership than knowledge since the human memory is limited to the information that is learned. Without believing something is possible advancement cannot happen, imagination can lead to discovery. Knowledge is what one’s imagination must be based on. The accumulation of one’s memories is the data that one works with to enriched their imagination. Imagination American Heritage Dictionary states that imagination involves "forming a mental concept of what is not actually present to the senses.” As a leader imagination is more important to have than knowledge, since a leader must be able to imagine what needs be created. As an example of leadership using creativity over data would be Walt E. Disney. Disney did not have much in the way of

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