
The Movie Manhattan Directed by Woody Allen

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It’s very difficult for me to choose or try to compare Manhattan and Annie Hall. Both of them has that bittersweet love story that I find it very influential to To Find Zoé. Annie Hall gave me that more funny moment, while Manhattan sent more tragic feeling to me. Annie Hall was bursting with cute ideas, and Manhattan is looking more towards a longer look at relationship and loneliness. But for me there is something about Manhattan that resonates deeply that I feel like it need to be explore in Allen’s way of telling the story.

So there are few directors that I think have been inspired by their own genre of films. Directors such as Fellini, Bergman, Spielberg, Scorsese , and to name a few. These directors are the people that I think have a certain style of storytelling and tone that you can identify quickly. Like Fellini with 8½, I always think of Manhattan as THE Woody Allen film. I always define the ultimate Woody Allen’s style of storytelling is something funny, serious and romantic with a cast of brilliant characters that drives to the extreme ends of human emotion. The beautifully combine comedy, romance and drama that is Manhattan for me.

Manhattan tells a story about Isaac, a television writer who just got divorce with his wife, Conny, that is now live with another woman. She now is writing a book about their chaotic marriage. Isaac has a love affair with a seventeen years old girl Tracy, when he meets Mary, the mistress of his best friend Yale. Yale is

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