
The Music Of The Band

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Think of a song that makes you smile. Now remember a song that makes you cry. Reflect to your high school years; recall the pep rallies, the football games, homecoming, and spirit weeks. What is the one group that kept the football team inspired, even though they are down by fifteen points with five minutes left in the game? The band is that group. The band works for over twenty hours a week to do what many people take for granted, music. Yet the band departments receive the least amount of support in many high schools. Throughout a student’s career, they are encouraged to do something outside of the classroom. Whether a sport, a club, or combination of the two everyone has a place where they excel. That something that gives them pride, …show more content…

Also throughout the past year the marching band earned a superior at state, three musicians placed into region band, one musician placed into the all-state band, eleven superior ratings at solo and ensemble, and one senior got accepted into Winthrop University to major in music education (Alford). Defiantly a successful year for the program. This year, even though the year has only begun, the marching band has placed first in several competitions, including the Olde English Festival of Bands – they placed first in every category (Overman). Yet this band did not get the chance to show their hometown. A few weeks ago the band tried to play at a football game. This game, one of four home games, would have been the only time for the band to show their two thousand fifteen production of “The Game.” The director canceled their performance at the prior game due to severe weather, and the later games are senior night and homecoming. This game is the one game that the community sees the recreational football teams. Throughout halftime, the kids run across the field. However, the band had been supposed to perform as well. People from all over the country flew, drove, or walked to the stadium to see the band perform. With the stands full, and the crowd anxiously awaiting the

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