
The Narmer Palette

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For about 3000 years, there were conventions to Egyptian art. The way people, gods, and the natural world were depicted was governed by these canons. There were styles and techniques that could be found used in almost every painting from the Early Dynastic period to the New Kingdom, and the Narmer Palette is one of the earliest works discovered that depicts these traditional conventions of Egyptian art.
The Narmer Palette is a ceremonial object that was made between 3000 and 2920 BCE. It was found ritually buried in a temple for the god Horus in Hierakonpolis, Egypt. Throughout this work are many different examples of traditional Egyptian styles and techniques being used. Both sides of the palette are divided into registers. The back of the …show more content…

It is commonly believed that it shows the unification of Lower and Upper Egypt, as on one side the King wears the crown of Lower Egypt and on the other, he wears the crown of Upper Egypt. This is the earliest discovered example of the same king wearing both crowns. There is a dispute over whether the scenes are supposed to depict an actual battle or battles that took place during the unification or if it is ceremonial and represents the unification.
This work caught my attention because of how it depicts the conventions of Egyptian art. It is interesting to compare this work of art to the works created during the Middle and the New Kingdom and see the similarities in how hieratic scale is used to show importance, composite poses, the combination of both art and language, and many others. The Narmer Palette is seemingly the start to 3000 years of artistic style. Another thing that interests me about this work is that it is a palette. A palette is not something considered special in modern times, yet back then it must have had a more important meaning or been a more common everyday object for someone to care to take the time to create this piece as a palette, rather than just a work of art.
The Narmer Palette is ancient work of art that demonstrates many of the conventions that were found in Egyptian art for thousands of years after the creation of this

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