
The National League For Nursing

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The National League for Nursing (NLN) Competencies for Nurse Educators The NLN has eight core competencies that the nurse educator focuses on for practice. These competencies include facilitate learning, facilitate learner development and socialization, use assessment and evaluation strategies, participate in curriculum design and evaluation of program outcomes, function as a change agent and leader, pursue continuous quality improvement in the nurse educator role, engage in scholarship, and function within the educational environment (The National League for Nursing (NLN),2005). Competency I: Facilitate Learning As nurse educators, it is important for us to create an environment which will help students to learn effectively. In order to help learning effectively, the nurse educators must implement a variety of teaching strategies applicable to learner needs (NLN, 2005). Reflecting on this competency, I had an opportunity to meet this competency while precepting new graduates to work in operating room. It was challenging as they had no experience at all. I was able to be a role model and motivated them to learn. Each orientee was different, I was able to understand their learning needs and helped them to understand and learn the necessary skills to work in the operating room. Critical thinking is very important while working in the operating room, I provided them opportunities to think critically and reasoning behind the action performed. After starting my

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