
Natural Treatments For Anxiety Essay

Decent Essays

Three Natural Treatments to Ease Anxiety Symptoms Can you remember how you felt the last time you took a test or went on a job interview? You probably noticed your heart beating faster or found it hard to breathe. It’s possible you caught yourself shaking. These are symptoms of anxiety that many of us have experienced. Sometimes people feel stronger symptoms of anxiety. When this happens, they might struggle to perform regular tasks in their lives. When anxiety starts controlling your life, it might have developed into an anxiety disorder. The following symptoms signal that you may have an anxiety disorder:
• Feeling worried constantly
• Avoiding social situations out of fear of being humiliated
• Having panic attacks, or having fear of having a panic attack
Consult a Doctor
According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, around 40 million American adults experience Anxiety Disorders. The good news is that there are natural treatments to help. If you feel you are experiencing symptoms of anxiety disorder, consult a doctor. There are natural treatments that can ease symptoms of anxiety, but you should discuss these with a physician first. Work out a plan together on how to manage your condition.
A study published in JAMA Internal Medicine concluded that meditation can improve anxiety if the practice continues over time. In the study, anxiety levels were tested in participants of meditation programs after eight weeks of practice. The

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