
The Negative Characteristics Of A True Hero In Beowulf

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“For a true hero isn’t measured by the size of his strength, but the strength of his heart” as said in the movie Hercules. This is also shown in the epic poem Beowulf when Beowulf risks his life for his people and people from far away. A true hero does an act for the greater good of the people and does it no matter what, because if a hero does it for themselves they aren’t helping anyone and it is defined as selfish which has a negative connotation. A hero is aware of the danger and isn’t reckless or foolish because if they weren’t aware then they didn’t intend to do that act. If they are foolish or reckless they can’t be a hero because they are putting themselves and other people in unnecessary danger. Beowulf in his last battle deals with a dragon who is terrorizing his people, and they come to him for help. Beowulf shows all of the characteristics of a hero while facing the dragon in his final battle.

Beowulf’s plan to face the dragon was an act for the goodwill of the people. “The text states, “The dragon burned down their homes. They watched in horror as the flames rose up: the angry monster meant to leave nothing alive” (2313-15). When multiple homes burn down the people living there usually lose everything they have, and to watch that happen is unpleasant and terrifying. People when this happens usually look to someone, most likely a leader, to help them. In this case the people looked to Beowulf to help them. Fire poses a huge threat to people, fire burns

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