
The Negative Connotation Of Migration From A Biblical Perspective

Decent Essays

“People think about migration from a security perspective, political perspective, and economic perspective but as believers, it is important to also think about migration from a Biblical perspective.” This quote really sets the tone for the rest of the video. The media overloads society with negative thoughts and ideas. A typical worldview sees immigrants as intruders and have a tendency to think they are overpopulating America. If we are not careful, this type of thinking can bleed into our Biblical worldview. Taking the time to see what God has to say about migration is vital. If you are a Christ follower, you cannot take what the media says as truth; you can only take God’s Word as truth. “All through Scripture, we see that migration is part of the Biblical story. It’s a major theme in Scripture from the beginning to the end and God uses migration to bring the nations to Himself and through migration, the gospel is going out to the nations.” It is easy to ignore what God is doing through migration and to let yourself develop the same type of hatred as the media has done towards these people. This video has made me realize that most people have a negative view of migration. I am going to do my best to change people’s perspective by removing the negative connotation of migration and help them see God’s intentions through migration. God is using migration to bring His people to a place where they can hear the good news. God already brought them here, now it is our job to

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