
The Negative Effects Of Advertising And Its Effects On Women

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Picture this you're watching your favorite show and then all of a sudden this pops up“IT WILL LITERALLY MAKE YOU SKINNY IN LITERALLY 2 HOURS! ONLY $19.99 AND IF YOU ORDER NOW YOU’LL GET 2 FOR THE PRICE OF ONE!!!” I bet you can literally picture it and hear it perfectly but this is the problem with are advertising. Advertising is a big part of our culture but it's taken a toll on our people including the children. Advertising has effects on our people's bodies, self esteem, and is manipulative.
First, advertisements have a toll on the people especially women and children. Women are affected by the fact that the models used must be so skinny and this makes woman self conscious. “Parallels are frequently drawn between the decreasing size of the female body ideal and both escalating levels of women's body dissatisfaction and increases in the incidence of eating disorders There is now growing empirical support for the view that these images play a role in fueling women's body dissatisfaction.“( Halliwell and Dittmar 105-106) This shows that advertisements make woman feel self conscious and cause an unhealthy effect on the bodies of woman. “Internalization of sociocultural attitudes toward thinness and appearance moderated the impact of advertising on women's body-focused anxiety.”(Halliwell and Dittmar 119). This further proves the point that advertisements cause effects to the body because anxiety can stress the body out which isn't healthy and can also cause you to be sick.

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