
The Negative Effects Of Poverty On Education

Decent Essays

There are many issues children go through in life, that can make a negative impact on their education. Students who live in poverty go through more stressful situations at an earlier age. Those situations can keep them from having academic success because they have too many other distractions in their life. The schools that have more low income families are amongst those who have the lowest test scores and the highest drop out rates. For that reason, a child may not be able to succeed academically based on the negative school environment they must overcome as well. When students attend a school that is dangerous and has been rated as a low rated school academically, it makes it harder for them to be the ones who are able to graduate. …show more content…

Consequently, “It is ironic that the poorest children often attend school that lack the resources to impart the skills children need to climb out of poverty” (Barbarin, 2015, pg. 101). Typically, Tier I schools have larger classrooms and teachers do not have the extra support to handle such large classrooms. Accordingly, the CSG (The Council of State Governments) state, “High-quality early childhood education programs can improve the educational outcomes of all children, but particularly for low-income children” (2014, pg. 1). Therefore, providing school the funding to reduce class size and offer programs to help children who may be falling behind can give them the opportunity to succeed. Moreover, the special programs a school should offer can benefit the students overall well being. Whether the focus is on the school and it’s staff or the student’s stressful home life it can only provide more positive support. For instance, Principal Dozier felt that her students faced “… a deeper set of problems, born out of her students’ troubled and often traumatic home lives, that made it difficult for them to get through each day” (Tough, 2012, pg. 7). She felt that focusing on providing counseling for her students and their families would be more helpful. The goal is to try different ways to help students stay in school and continue with their education. The CSG states, “Nearly

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