
The Nutritional Standing Of A Patient Is Generally Assessed

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The nutritional standing of a patient is generally assessed by utilizing and combining information attained from the previous medical, family and the social history. The nutritional status assessment of all patient’s is meaningful. Through the diet modification methodology some problems such as headaches, digestive disorders and weakness could be improved. Additionally, in prevention process, the nutrition plays a crucial role. Nutritional evaluation turns out to be particularly significant for the patients with certain nutritional "red flags", such as:
• Aging
• Inactive lifestyle
• Regular exercise absence
• Most recent reduction in normal body weight that amounts to ten percent or more
• Trauma, infection, and prolonged fever
• Drugs …show more content…

24-hour Recall
• A familiar, and qualitative process in which a patient is usually asked to entirely recall the nutrition and beverages consumption of last 24 hours, together with the measures and modes of preparation.
• The benefit of this methodology is that information about diet can be obtained straightforwardly and effortlessly. During encountering with a new patient in which there is not any other nutritional information, this process turns out to be really helpful. The patients must be able to recall all that information about the nutrient that they have to eat up in the past 24 hours.
• The disadvantage of this technique is that it is considered partial process and thus the suitable food consumption for a patient cannot be signified by this way. Information attained through this methodology cannot represent the long-term nutritional behaviors of the individuals. Approximating the food ingredients and quantities could be problematic specifically if the patient has the habit to eat at restaurants.
Usual Intake History
• Through this method, a patient is asked to recall the daily eating pattern, as well as quantity, rates and preparation modes. This intake history must comprise all meals, snacks, and beverages.
• The benefits of this process are that through this system long-term dietary habits can be evaluated. This process is fast and easy to do. Through the collected

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