
Observation Cycle Essay

Decent Essays

As teachers, it is our job to watch the growth and progress of the students in our care. This means that we must record, interpret, and sometimes explain certain behaviors and situations associated with academics to all concerned parties. It is somewhat of a taxing task; you are worried that you might be too concerned with a certain isssue, and neglecting to address other areas that you feel are of a great importance. There is a cycle that aids in the relaying of collected observations, relaying information to educational partners of a family, and the parents themselves. This is known as the "Observation Cycle," and it is a critical skill that, with practice, becomes a teacher's best friend. In the Observation Cycle, there are a certain set of steps that make it effiecient and help it to remain an ever-evolving process. The steps are easy to follow, but do require a good amount of organization and knowledge; they are observe, record/document, analyze, modify, and finally, start over! This is the exact order in which the Observation Cycle takes place. …show more content…

The child usually is not aware that they are being watched; this helps make the process natural. Documenting is merely writing the findings in an objective and professional manner. When analyzing, the teacher reviews the information that's been collected, and makes choices and plans next steps based on that information. In modifying, the teacher takes the newly-acquired knowledge and puts it to use in the classroom in developmentally-appropriate activities and lessons. When all of these steps have been completed, teachers do it all over again to continue the process of creating lessons and monitoring progress of the little ones in their care to enable them to

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