
The Origins Of Code Switching

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The origins of code switching go back to the first mention of it in 1948 by Hoijer. He published new terms which are closed in meaning to code switching known as a phonemic alternation and phonemic alteration, but none of these terms refers precisely to code switching. After one year, Fries and Pike’s issued a book named Coexistent Phonemic Systems (1949) which discussed a phenomenon of phonemic alternation between monolingual people. They reached a conclusion says that in any a signed dialect, two phonemic systems can be existed, for instance the experience was done on a sample speaks the mazateco language. It showed that the mazatecon finds the sound /nd/ is easier and better to read it in a form of /nt/ than /nd/. …show more content…

An illustration of the Norwegian inhabitants in a Hemnesberget fishing Village gave when it is noticed that people switch their speech according to the current situation, for example they switch to Standard dialect to talk about business Affairs and in opposite they switch to the local dialect to talk a normal speaking such to talk about family, friends and other life matters. Then studies and researches about code switching field continues to publish and a lot of books issued. Some of the books issued are:
• Rethinking Conversational Code-Switching: Codes, Speech Varieties, and Contextualization By: Celso Alvarez-Cáccamo 1990.
• Duelling Languages: Grammatical Structure in Codeswitching by Carol Myers-Scotton 1997.
• CODE-SWITCHING IN CONVERSATION :Language, interaction and identity by Peter Auer 1998.
• Codes and Consequences: Choosing Linguistic Varieties By Carol Myers-Scotton 1998.
• Code-Switching: Teaching Standard English in Urban Classrooms (Theory & Research Into Practice) by Rebecca S. Wheeler and Rachel Swords 2006.
• CODE SWITCHING By Penelope Gardner-Chloros 2009.
• Code-Switching Lessons: Grammar Strategies for Linguistically Diverse Writers, by Rebecca S Wheeler and Rachel S Swords 2010.

2. Definitions

Code switching

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