
The Ottawa Charter and Health Promotion

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Describe the historical significance of the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion
The Ottawa Charter first came into existence at the First International Health Promotion Conference in Ottawa, Canada 21 November 1986. Here, a never before charter of such reputed importance was forged that not only promoted health, but also implemented various strategies that an individual, group or community could adhere to in order to achieve a healthy overall well-being by the year 2000. The context in which the Ottawa Charter was created is of great significance. Essentially, the Charter was forged during the age of technology i.e. televisions/telephones etc. This enabled the Charter to broadcast Health Promotion on an international scale and thus …show more content…

The aspect of supportive environments focuses on sociocultural, physical, political and economic influences on health. An example of creating a supportive environment for young people is the National binge drinking strategy (2008). This strategy’s aim is to raise awareness of the harms and costs associated with intoxication. * Road accidents (and death/severe injury); * Alcohol-related violence (as a perpetrator, a victim or a witness); * Trauma-related admissions to hospital emergency departments; * Unsafe sex and risk of a sexually transmitted infection (STI) and/or unwanted pregnancy; and Social and personal consequences such as impact on families and social embarrassment (DrinkingNightmare - About the campaign . 2013. DrinkingNightmare - About the campaign . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 24 August 2013].) I creating supportive environments, not only is the prevention of such events that harm young people to occur, but also the rehabilitation of young people is also available thus contributing to the establishment of positive health outcomes. Strengthening community action is instrumental in establishing positive health outcomes in young people. In strengthening community action, various support networks are put into place to not only prevent

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