
The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion

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The Ottawa Charter for health promotion is a document developed in 1986 by the W.H.O that aims at enabling, empowering and encouraging people to improve, and increase control over their own health. In relation to road safety, all five action areas are addressed through the introduction and availability of specific services to the public by all levels of government, NGO’s, the community and individuals.

Developing Personal Skills
Improving an individual’s knowledge and skills will result in them making more informed decisions concerning their own health as well as becoming a positive influence to those around them. In order for an individual to develop good personal skills, they must first be educated about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and making decisions about their own health. In relation to road safety, developing wide knowledge and personal skills is crucial in minimizing the potential of harmful accidents occurring on our roads. It is important for road users to become informed and aware of the risks and hazards that will present themselves on the road.

Creating supportive environments
A supportive environment is somewhere where individuals can make positive decisions and changes to do with their health in order to benefit it. Initiatives can be implemented by all levels of government, community groups and individuals in order to create supportive environments for individuals to better their own health. There is a heavy priority placed on ensuring that all

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