
The Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act

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The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

On March 23, 2010, President Barack Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care

Act (PPACA). This is more commonly referred among United States Citizens as Health Care Reform.

This revolutionary law offers three main guarantees: First, health insurance for all American's, not just

those who can afford it; Second, cost reduction in the insurance premiums for individuals and

businesses; Lastly, higher quality care. On the surface, the PPACA seems all around beneficial for all

American's, but there are some aspects that need to be further analyzed. There is no doubt, this law will

give those who are uninsured or under-insured, better coverage and ensure better quality health care,

but there is one factor that may have been overlooked; the PPACA comes at great financial cost for

citizens, will take a decade to fully implement and will be not be sustainable for generations to come.

The PPACA has several provisions targeted specifically at aimed at cultivating our health care

system in America. (RAND, 2009). Some of the primary provisions pertain to augmenting health care

accessability and decreasing cost for citizens. The following are a few of the paramount provisions in

the PPACA:

Prevent insurance companies from denying enrollees due to current health status
All plans must be sold to anyone regardless of pre-existing health conditions
Premium costs will have

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