
English Language Learners Case Study

Decent Essays

This document will focus on the perceptions of teachers who teach English Language Learners (ELL). The discussion will center on three theories that interrelate through the examination of various articles on the research on teachers’ instructional practices, perceptions of students and classroom experiences that contribute to motivating English Language Learners to pursue a college education. At the same time, the articles will be analyzed to identify correlated theories that can be use as guidelines for building the foundational framework for the proposed research study. Finally, the summary will discuss the potential contributions that such a proposed research study can contribute to the knowledge base in this field.
The proposed research study will focus on seeking understanding of the experiences and perceptions of teachers that effectively motivate English Language Learners (ELLs) to continue to pursue a college education upon attaining a high school diploma. The proposed research study will be a qualitative case study that, according to Merriam (2009), seeks to understand and find meaning within a bounded system. The study will focus on a specific group of individuals who have direct contact with English Language Learners.
Kibler, Heny & Andrei (2015) used a purposeful sampling method to gather specific data about their subjects that provided a rich source of data for their study by controlling the variance within the scope of their subjects. The use of

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