
The Performance Of The Three Companies

Decent Essays

After analyzing the performance of the three companies, located in the U.S., New Zealand, and Argentina, I have discovered issues that need correction in each of the locations. First off, my analysis shows that your company’s performance in the U.S. is producing at 126% of the acceptable upper limit. Although you can look at this as successful production, continuously operating at this rate the company in this location is running the risk for saturating its market. Once the market becomes saturated with your product, this will cause prices to drop, therefore continuing to generate revenue will not be easy. Being that production is above standards I do not see a problem within the structure or the operations within the organization at this location. However, maximizing the profit margins would be the best strategy. I would recommend throttling back on production quantity by lowering labor resources, which will help increase the unit profit margin. With the information, I have gathered on this location my data shows me that with using fewer resources you can still achieve the same production performance. With cutting back on labor resources, you will be able to achieve the same goals using less human resources. As a result, the company is saving desired time and money allowing your profits to increase. I would also like to recommend utilizing the forecasting technique because this will enable managers to make the correct decisions by providing valuable information to

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