
The Perspectives Of Albert Bandura's Social Learning Theory

Decent Essays

Albert Bandura leans towards the behaviourist learning theories when discussing the Social Learning Theory, he adds that learning occurs through observation and the observing of ‘models’, these can be parents, teachers, mentors or even characters on a TV show (McLeod, 2016). J L (2015) however, disagrees and views this learning theory as a bridge between behaviourist and cognitive learning due to its inclusion of motivation, memory and attention. This style of learning was depicted clearly through the 1961 Bobo doll experiment, here Bandura has models show violence to a portion of the 72 children selected, this aggression was replicated by the children, confirming the process of observational learning (Nolan, 2009). Ultimately this can be …show more content…

Although, McLeod (2016) argues we all have differing needs and therefore all the steps won’t apply to us in the same way, what one person needs another wont.

To enhance development and learning in students Benjamin Bloom developed the three learning domains or taxonomies, these being cognitive, affective and psychomotor (Quinonez, 2014). Cognitive lends itself to knowledge which will be attained by the student. Affective is associated with the handling of the student’s emotions, whereas Psychomotor relates to the co-ordination and development of physical movement and motor related skills (Clark, 2015). This can clearly be seen with our paramedic students, learning the theory of why we do something in university, the students emotional engagement in practice when observing and then the physical practicalities of performing skills on the road.

The best way to create a clinical learning environment is by involving the student (Emanuel & Pryce, 2013). Papp et el (2003) advocates the importance of making them engage as part of the team, but as the NHS is faced with staff shortages and an increased work load, students are often left isolated and feeling

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