
The Philosophy Of Shared Accountability Essay

Decent Essays

In the previous slide, shared governance was discussed as a means of empowering all stakeholders in shared decision-making to improve organizational quality. The figure at the top of this slide is a shared accountability performance measure model that shows how patients, clinicians, and health systems contribute to process and outcome measures (Peterson, et al., 2014). The philosophy of shared accountability emphasizes that all stakeholders bring unique talents/skills/expertise that contribute to the success of the organization. No one stakeholder group is more or less important than the next group because all share equal responsibility for achieving defined goals. When a stakeholder group is struggling or unable to fulfill assigned responsibilities, the whole team fails because they mutually share responsibility or accountability for helping each partner reach the plan objectives. In other words, each team is not only invested in their own success, they are invested in each other’s success to achieve the goal. Identified stakeholders involved with this strategic plan include patients, providers, personnel, and payers. Listed below each stakeholder group are shared accountability behaviors/expectations that contribute to successful strategic goal achievement. Strategic plan success is dependent on effective communication and patient engagement. Edward Bolles stated, “We remember what we understand; we understand only what we pay attention to; we pay attention to what

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