The poetic language of which your writing uses and the perfectly place “ten dollar words” forward your thoughts, in my mind, until I find my imagination at a buffet of ideas. Not that I will always concur, nonetheless, enjoy contemplating. For instance, being of privilege and walking with the cultivated rank does not necessarily define what is the essence of one's psyche. The freedom to expand intellectual confinements is of the will to be auto-didactic and the depth of one's curiosity the motivator - as you eloquently pointed out or is my interpretation. Subsequent to the ignition of the will is an inner influence of the self disciplined to earnestly seek out the subject matter they wish to learn. Underpriviledge does not lesson the potentiality
Having a mindset of being determined acquires to the trait of being self-motivated. By being
During my high school years, I can confidently say I have excelled in my academic endeavours. This success is partially due to my desire to learn. I am always intrigued by the lessons and concepts that are at the core of assigned work. My passion for learning has facilitated my learning process; because I am usually interested in the material that is being taught, my ability to retain and understand information is heightened. My academic success is also due to my drive to do the best I can. Since grade nine, I have demanded excellence from myself in all academic subjects. I strived to perform to the best of my abilities in the first high school years so that I would adopt that habit early and take it with me through the senior high school years. Finally, my academic excellence
A learners’ reason for wanting to learn something new can affect their motivation. A learner who is self-funded and wants to learn for personal or job progression reasons is likely to be more highly motivated than some who been “told” to attend, sent against their will or who is not interested in the subject.
As we discussed in class, motivation plays an intrinsic role in creating successful self-directed learning. Those who practice this form of learning, in various ways, are driven by personal or external incentives, such as the desire to learn something, or simply for curiosity 's sake, self-esteem and self-efficiency. Because of this self-directed learners are known to take initiative, view issues as challenges to overcome, become confident, have a desire to evolve, and appreciate and seek out learning opportunities (Taylor, 1995).
To help Year Twelve students that are studying poetry appreciate it's value, this pamphlet's aim is to discuss a classic poem and a
This pushes him to an extreme emotional limit because it represents that his entire life had been a lie and his former noble existence was all false. His desperate attempt to free himself from the world and from knowledge expresses a universal idea that humans are still unknowing and insignificant when compared to the greater spectrum of life. This relates to the theme because it shows that even though the search and curiosity of knowledge is natural, transgressing the limits can be dangerous because sometimes knowledge can be too much of a burden for humankind to handle, however inevitable, necessary, and inescapable it may be.
Who we really are, what our real character is only truly elicited when we are challenged, as a proverb states, “In the darkest hour shines the brightest light.” Our true character shines through when we are pushed to our extremes and are placed in situations outside of the norm. Horace claims that when someone is faced with an adversity or a challenge, they are more likely to discover talents that they thought they never had. I agree with his claim that adversity breeds talents and strengthens our character, but still understand the importance of prosperity in developing talents.
I believe that one should constantly learn and seek new skills and information since it enhances one’s understanding of the world, provide opportunities, and develop skills. Committed to learning, I am willing to spend the necessary time to cultivate my mind in the quest for knowledge and I achieved this through diligence, perseverance, discipline, and by providing the best work possible in the workplace around me. This ambition to push for excellence would be a beneficial trait to have in the future, for I still strive to put quality into everything I do, even when I do not receive any recognition or praise, and this attitude would help me make rapid strides not only in my academic career but my life overall.
In fact, in one of his pieces "Self Reliance," Emerson indicates, "A man should learn to detect and watch that gleam of light which flashes across his mind from within, more than the luster of the firmament of bards and sages." This quote demonstrates that man should learn to go after their instinct and not ignore their thoughts. By appreciating Emerson's knowledge, students will learn to trust their instincts. Students who doubt their instincts should trust that "If [they] advance confidently in the direction of [their] dreams, and endeavors to live the life which [they have] imagined, [they] will meet with a success unexpected in common hour," and believe, that if they follow their dreams and instinct they will be successful (Thoreau). Students should fight for what they believe in order to accomplish their dreams. By utilizing Thoreau and Emerson's intelligence in life, people will start to believe more in their own intuition.
The habits of mind might better be termed the habits of a perfected mind since most have not acquired all of these habits. The two selected for this paper are persistence and precision. Both are difficult to embed because they require disciple and mental toughness. This paper discusses the connection between the two and how they can be defeated if a student is distracted from them.
A theory that supports motivation is the self determination theory. In the self determination theory people need to grow and gain fulfillment by a drive in them. Self Determination is the process of deciding how to act on ones environment. When one is trying to overcome a challenge or encountering a new experience a person wants to gain the knowledge to succeed over the new challenge. When self determination theory is in focus internal factors are at play; a person is primarily focused on the need to gain knowledge or independence. There are three factors that contribute to a student’s self determination and the needs are linked to the student’s
2. When an inner need to do something meets with the inner urge spontaneous Interest is generated. When the inner urge or the Interest finds a suitable working condition it leads to spontaneous Repetition. When this spontaneous Repetition of an activity is done with interest the natural result is Concentration. Concentration is not the end product of education, its just the beginning. Any true learning happens with concentration. The children revealed that given the right conditions they would work with concentration.
“The capacity to learn is a gift; The ability to learn is a skill; The willingness to learn is a choice” - Brian Herbert
My life as a student has been a fairly good one. I’ve received good grades throughout all my years of high school and pride myself as an intelligent individual. But my individual ability to grow and learn has been always changing and shifting as I have grown. I think that currently, I am at a low point in my mindset and learning ability, but there is hope on the horizon. This essay will explore the growth and mindset of Will Roser, and how I can grow as a learner, friend, and individual.
Through the examples of Oedipus and Socrates, the saying “the unexamined life is not worth living” proves true in three ways: first, to live a life full of discovery is a direct calling from God; second, an examined life leads to humbleness; and lastly, a life spent in investigation will constantly be in pursuit of truth.