Abstract As technology expands into homes and businesses around the world, this paper looks at how schools will also benefit from its integration. With the “No Child Left Behind Act” as a guide to challenging new standards, schools need to look at the different types of technology available to them now and how it will benefit not only the students but also what this could mean for instructors and administrators too. In order to meet the ever changing needs of the economies technology, the responsibility to bring schools up to date falls upon the entire community and school districts alike.
The Positive Effects of Technology in Education
It’s 3:00pm. The kids run home from school, grab a snack and reluctantly sit down to their
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This prevents students from having to strain to see what’s being taught. There are several features included in the software that make engaging with students more productive such as Screen sharing, blank student screens, shut down/restart, file transfer, and chat. (JourneyEd.com) Screen sharing is a tool which allows teachers to share what is on their screen with the entire class. It is not limited to only the teacher’s screen. A student may also share with the class a screen or project that they have created. The Blank Student Screen command will get student’s attention by turning black, or another color, and has the option of displaying a message or image. This will divert the class from continuing their work while they are supposed to be watching the teacher. Shutting down all the computers at the end of the day, or restarting them all at the beginning can be very time consuming. Management software offers instructors a tool that shuts down or restarts the entire lab with the click of a mouse from the instructor’s computer. For this feature to work properly, it is required that all computers have a Network Interface Card (NIC) installed inside. The transferring files option makes it easy for students and teachers to access files or lessons through a shared folder on the schools file server. Teachers can distribute files from their computer
Once one of the computers is properly configured as a file server, users can access the storage by mapping the drives on the respective computers. The file server will be mapped as a drive and users can store, edit and access files directly from the shared storage disk. The disk will be connected to each computer. For example, when a user needs to access any file from the file server, he/she can access the drive that will now be mapped on the every computer (Science - Opposing Views, 2014).
In the past, academic and administrative computer systems were isolated, either for security reasons or as a result of limited interconnectivity with other computers. Today, nearly any information that an administrator, teacher, student or parent might is available through a network connection. Course lectures are presented are viewed and students submit their assignments via the internet school class shell. Student and parents can view their grades online, administrative paperwork and other information can be shared through a variety of systems. The internet is an awesome and convenient way to communicate, but it introduces
The system provides teachers and administrators the possibility to build web pages to create files, and links to facilitate the use of different resources such as videos and external websites. One example is the used of The Common Core States Standards Curriculum. It was implemented because students were getting to college with little preparation. There was the need to prepare students effectively to get prepare before arriving at college level. “The goal was to create a set of Career and College Readiness Standards in Mathematics and
Teachers can save their lesson plans and pacing guides to Dropbox and share those with other teachers within the system. Most importantly the teachers no longer have to carry their laptop or flash drives. I personally have been through several flash drives and have lost quite a bit of information because those flash drives were damaged by frequent
I teach face-to-face classes, but I have students complete assignments and discussion board postings on Blackboard periodically.
The first video of "Classrooms of the future," predicted a system that would allow a student who was at home to still participate in class even if they could not attend school. The video shows a video chat that connects the student at home with his class. In this video chat the student can participate in classroom activities. I would say while this is fairly correct it isn't 100% accurate. For example, the use of blackboard allows students to obtain power points and discussions for classes they missed, or for taking notes after class. Secondly, there are online classes in which the students and teachers can connect through a webcam chat, such as Google hangout or
Technology is a portion of everyday life. It affects how business is conducted, teaching, learning, and receiving information. Good or bad, everyone uses technology every day. There are many items people have on them on a daily basis, one would be hard pressed to be without. If you were to examine the effect of technology on teaching and learning and acquire an understanding of why technology should be a part of every classroom curriculum, what would the conclusion be? Technology is a great benefit to the classroom, it stimulates our digital generation and allows educators to be more creative with curriculum.
“By 2009, 97% of classrooms had one or more computers, and 93% of classroom computers had Internet access. For every 5 students, there was one computer. Instructors stated that 40% of students used computers, often in their educational methods, in addition to interactive whiteboards and digital cameras”(Educational technology). The country is on the threshold of the most radical change in American education in over a century. It is clear that technology is increasing and is now woven through education as well.
Technology is everywhere, it is involved in almost every part of our culture. It affects how we live, work, play, and most importantly learn. With technology being such a fundamental part of our lives and growing each day, it only makes sense that schools incorporate technology in the classrooms. Even though many people support the use of technology in schools, there are those that have concerns about the effectiveness of technology and whether or not it undermines education to solely prepare students for the workforce. Despite the concerns, technology is being integrated with classroom lessons daily, and proving how beneficial it is for student success.
Today’s education differs much from the education fifty years ago. One of the reasons they are so different is because of technology. In the past fifty years the world of technology has grown tremendously, affecting everything, including education. A few things that have been brought into the world of education are computers, video and digital equipment such as DVDs, digital cameras and recording devices. The technology also includes information presentation technologies which includes the Smart Board, and different interactive whiteboards. There are many more that schools did not have fifty years ago.
The complex social and historical foundations of education are rooted in the need to create a population of citizens capable of contributing to the continuing economic and political stability of our nation. First we were an agricultural society, then industrial, and now we are educating students for futures with that are yet unknown (explainvisualthinking, 2007). The new dynamic, created by the recent and rapid expansion of technology driven globalization has created the compelling need for technology infused education in our schools (Friedman, 2005). As an educational technology leader, I collaborate with other educators and families to create technology initiatives that will support educational technology in our schools.
There is a growing trend in the use of technology in the classroom. As a teacher, I am always looking for ways to use manipulatives in my lessons to increase meaning and authenticity for students. I would love to keep my students engaged, motivated and interactive in the classroom and still be able to get through the content each day. In order to achieve this, I need to have an arsenal of tools to draw from. That is why I agree with (Tataroglu & Erduran, 2010) as stated in the International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education (IEJEE) that “The use of technologies like IWBs in the classroom can provide teachers and students convenience and variety. “
Today, schools are being pressured more and more to improve the technology they use and teach in the classrooms. Parents are placing this pressure on schools so that their students have the skills needed to compete in the real world job market. Students are placing pressure on the schools to improve technology by having more knowledge of
The education world has been greatly influenced by rapidly changing technology and the increasing availability of information. Schools have advanced by leaps and bounds when it comes to incorporating technology into the learning environment, however, many more advances need to be made. In all areas of the country, educators are trying to help students keep up with technology, but there are more changes that are essential for preparing the next generation for the future.
Technology has revolutionized the human experience by changing the way one learns. Technology can best be defined as a tool that supports and promotes human learning. This can be seen through the usage of calculators, tablets (example: iPad), Smart Boards, video cameras, and, of course, the computer. These are all innovations that can have a profound impact on classroom learning. Although there are some schools that have a strict policy that technology should be removed from the modern day classroom, other schools believe that integrating technology into the classroom helps prepare our students for the elaborate world they will face going forward. Throughout this essay, I will be focusing on the technology policy and how it has a positive