
The Positive Relationship Between Conscientiousness And Intellectual Disability

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The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between conscientiousness, academic performance and intellectual ability. Hypothesis one stated that there would be a significant positive relationship between intellectual ability and academic performance. As the previous literature suggested, hypotheses one was supported by the data as there was a significant weak positive relationship.
Hypothesis two stated that there would be a significant positive relationship between conscientiousness and academic performance. The data from this study reinforced previous research and supported the hypothesis with a significant moderate positive relationship between the two variables.
Hypothesis three stated that there would be a significant negative relationship between conscientiousness and intellectual ability. Although the data showed a weak negative relationship, the correlation was not significant as some previous researcher’s also found. Therefore the hypothesis was not supported. This means that the observed relationship in our sample between conscientiousness and intellectual ability was due to chance and would not be observed in the population. In research there has been a mixture of results varying between significant and non-significant negative relationships between the two variables and therefore the significance could be affected primarily by the sample amount for the experiment. The larger sample size could make the p-value decrease which in turn makes the

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