
The Power Of Energy : The Importance Of Power

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High energy particles (electrons or ions) by the energy absorption or transfer from an intense petawatt laser are important to heat a highly compressed deuterium-tritium pellet. Because the edge of the pellet is usually (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) ∼ (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) 50 (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) μ (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) m (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) away from the dense core, the energy transfer efficiency may be very low of (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) (-- …show more content…

However, the divergence angle of fast electrons also increases with these applied axial magnetic fields. In Refs. (-- removed HTML --) 16 (-- removed HTML --) and (-- removed HTML --) 17 (-- removed HTML --) , the researcher uses a high resistivity tin layer sandwiched transversely between two low resistivity aluminum slabs or a high-resistivity-core-low-resistivity-cladding structure target to collimate the REB due to the spontaneous magnetic fields generated by the gradient of resistivity existed in the target structure. Moreover, extensive numerical simulations (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) 18–23 (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) reveal that the spontaneous magnetic fields at the interfaces can reach as high as megagauss (MG) which is helpful to confine the fast electrons. The above results enlighten one to study whether the transport of REB can be modified by artificial designed transverse magnetic fields. (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) In this paper, an imposed wide gauss transverse gradient (WGTG) magnetic field (-- removed HTML --) B (-- removed HTML --) z (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) developed from the structure of the spontaneous magnetic fields in Ref. (-- removed HTML --) 24 (-- removed HTML --) is proposed to guide the REB, which has been proved to collimate the REB better.

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