
The Power of Story Telling Highlighted Three Day Road by Joseph Boyden

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The Power of Story Telling Many Aboriginal populations have been using storytelling as a way of communication for centuries. Storytelling is used on a day to day basis whether it be reading a story to kids or telling friends about an experience. The importance of storytelling is highlighted constantly throughout the book Three Day Road by Joseph Boyden and the entire story itself is a recollection of memories. Niska tells stories of her past to warn and teach Xavier. Xavier tells stories of his haunting and innocence shattering experience at war to help him heal. Elijah tells stories about his life before and during the war as an attempt to maintain what is left of his aboriginal culture and to heal himself by reminding himself of his achievements and what he has proudly accomplished . Storytelling plays a significant role in the novel by teaching and helping to heal the characters. Niska often tells stories her past experiences growing up, to teach Xavier all the lessons she learned in her life and to warn him about all the obstacles she had to face. Niska herself was taught using storytelling, "We'd grown up on stories of the windigo that our parents would feed us over winter fires," (Boyden 44). Story telling was used to warn Niska about the windigo and prepare her for the future role she had to face. She uses the same method to teach Xavier, telling him about all the mistakes she had made "I stared into the fire for a long time after that story, not able

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