
The Powers Of The Future And Past Essay

Satisfactory Essays

On the Powers of the Future and Past to Empower the Present

Arthur Schopenhauer’s argument that human beings will not be able to attain true happiness until they break a cycle of suffering is often viewed as a pessimistic account of human nature. Schopenhauer argues that this cycle of suffering in humans is inevitably brought about by anticipation of the future and emotional attachment to the past—both which divert individuals from truly living in the present time. However, in his claims for abandoning these two practices of keeping in mind the future and connecting to the past, Schopenhauer offers no evidence for how living fully in the present, or denying the will, would constitute a life completely void of suffering; he does not account for how anticipation of the future and remembrance of the past may be natural to humans, how such emotional practices can actually contribute to an individual’s happiness in the present, and how thus removing these practices could in return bring about more suffering.
Schopenhauer acknowledges that the past directly affects events in the present but at the same time expects humans to be indifferent to how the events of their pasts played out in order to truly live in this present: “Therefore, [the past] must be, as a matter of reason, indifferent to him whether the content of that past was pain or pleasure” (Schopenhauer 401). Schopenhauer’s assumption is that letting go of the emotions associated with the past is one step towards the

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