
The Practitioner's Prior Experience, Knowledge, And Understanding Of Their Responsibilities

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The practitioner’s prior experience, knowledge, and understanding of their responsibilities as a practitioner all played a huge role in the interpretation of evidence presented, the situation itself, and therefore also the decisions made on how to proceed.
An explanation of discernment in the article that really expanded my insight and provided me a deeper understanding is as follows: “Discernment, we argue, is a particular kind of perception that (a) involves a focused attention to context that requires one to be deeply engaged, (b) is a relational process, (c) is not an any ‘‘anything goes’’ approach to knowing (d) is value laden, not neutral, and (e) employs multiple ways of knowing for determining the ‘truth’’ of a situation including …show more content…

However, at the end of this long train of feelings, I found hope. I felt Jesus wash over my body and mind with peace. He reassured me that He knows what He’s doing and I can trust in Him. I do believe that to be true.
My actions for the situation involved giving C.H. his medications with Meagan, playing with him while he was awake, rubbing his back while talking him to sleep, and praying for him. I believe these were the most appropriate actions for the given situation. It was my responsibility to care for him as best I could over the twelve hours he was my patient, and I believe I not only cared for him physically but participated in bringing him shalom as well.
The positive outcomes for this patient were that he slept for the majority of the night. At 0200 he did wake up briefly, but we were able to quickly help him fall back asleep. C.H.’s mother may or may not be guilty of neglect or abuse, but in the meantime, positive aspects of his current circumstance include and are not limited to: the hospital is a good safe place for him to stay, his head is healing very well because he is consuming a sufficient amount of protein, and he has someone giving him constant attention. All of these interventions and outcomes are contributing to an increase of C.H.’s overall quality of life.
With more time, I feel that I could have done a comprehensive review of the social

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