
The President Of The United States

Decent Essays

The President of the United States, Jackson M. Washington, was six-foot three-inch’s tall, athletic build, salt and pepper graying hair; he was fifty-three years old. He had served in the Marines after College for four years and ended up getting out as a Captain after his first hitch. From there he started his political career by volunteering for certain candidates for Congress and the Senate that had a message that resonated with him. Back then he switched party affiliations often, like changing a pair of pants. He thought the message of the candidate more important than any party affiliation. Jack was the first third party candidate to ever when a presidential election, he ran as an independent leaving the GOP and Democrats out in the cold. People had just got tired of the two parties and were seriously seeking change. Jack was in the right place as the right time, he had worked his way up through the ranks, and his launching pad for the presidency was as a Senator from Texas. As a Senator he listened to his constituents and worked hard on their behalf. When he was on his breaks from Washington he returned to Texas and went door to door listening to what the people wanted. He had several offices located in his district and with each office he had an open door policy. After seven years in office he was finally convinced by his colleagues on both sides of the isle to run for President even though they knew he was an independent. Once he announced his run it

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