
The Pressure Of Students In The Breakfast Club In High School

Decent Essays

Students in High School are being pressured every day for publicity. High school is usually a place where someone can find themself, a friend group they feel comfortable in. High school students encounter many different situations that may lead them into a series of downfalls through high school. Being in this facility, students are often categorized in groups based on their personalities, what they wear, and their social connections. In The Breakfast Club there are five students categorized into stereotypical groups in high school.Those groups are the popular students, the nerds, and the emo students. Sooner than later, these five students figure they all have something in common with each other; high school, and the pressure of their parents has molded them into the people they never wanted to become. Despite the differences between the students in The Breakfast Club, they share similarities that divides them into different groups throughout high school. There will always be students that will feel better than others, dress better, and get recognized more. These kids are usually considered popular based on everyone else in the school. In The Breakfast Club the popular students in detention were Claire and Andrew. Claire is a high school tease that every guy wants, also a rich girl that lives up to her reputation. “ Everybody loves me so much, at this school”, Claire practically believes that everyone wants to be her, be around her and feel just as popular as her.

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