
The Primary Structure Of Abraham Lincoln's House Divided

Decent Essays

1. The primary structure Lincoln uses in his House Divided speech is sequential order. He does this by reminding the audience of what steps the country had taken in the past, acknowledging the division they're experiencing in the present, and warning about the future as well as offering a new direction. An example for the past is in paragraph 3 when it states, "We are now far into the fifth year, since a policy was initiated..." The words "far into the fifth year" show that five years have passed or five years ago a policy was initiated. To show the current state of affairs in the Union, he uses the phrase "first know where we are" (paragraph 3). From this, Lincoln pointing out that we need to take a different direction in the future. An example of how Lincoln talks about the future is in paragraph 18 when it says, "Wise councils may accelerate or mistakes delay it, but, sooner or later the victory is sure to come." Lincoln …show more content…

There are several words or phrases Lincoln uses from the second expert that are examples of formal language. Some words or phrases are "intrusted to" (paragraph 12), "mustered" (paragraph 13), "disciplined, proud, and pampered" (paragraph 15), and "wavering, dissevered and belligerent" (paragraph 16). Lincoln uses these words to send a tone of warning that changing to a different way of looking at a task is not easy. Danger will grow higher and higher if nothing changes. However, if they do change what they are doing now, there will still be little danger but not as much. 4. Lincoln uses an urgent and firm tone throughout his speech by using formal language. He makes an allusion to the bible saying, "'A house divided against itself cannot stand.'" (Paragraph 6). Lincoln uses this allusion to point out the agitation of slavery. Lincoln does this because he believes "this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free." This shows that Lincoln believes slavery is dividing the nation if not fixed, the nation will be

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